Friday, September 14, 2007

freakin tag game....

4 Favorite TV shows
1. Lost
2. CMT
3. we really don't watch TV......haha!

4 favorite places I've been

1. Banks Lake
2. Hawaii
3. East Canyon Resevoir
4. any snow covered mountain :)

4 places i have lived
1. San Francisco (kinda) :)
2. Washington (Yelm, Olympia)
3. Utah
4. More Utah

4 favorite foods
1. sushi
2. filet mignon
3. salads.....

4 websites I check daily
1. Blogs
2. Hotmail
3. SkyWest Online
4. Weather

4 favorite places to eat out at. . .
1. Kampai
2. Loco Lizard
3. Red Rock
4. Ghidotti's

4 favorite things to do
1. water ski
2. snow ski
3. ride (horses of course :)
4. hike, bike, PLAY!

4 things I want at this moment
1. Ross to not be at work
2. for it to stop raining and turn back to snow :)
3. the laundry pile to disappear
4. more hours in the day!

4 things I can not live without
1. my Ross
2. family
3. my bed
4. Starbucks...haha

4 people I wish to Tag
1. Ross
2. Joel
3. Max
4. Tay


Shauna said...

LOL. . You started this post on Sept 14th. UMMMM. . . that means it took you almost a month to post. I freakin' love you . . .I love it that you play our little blogging games. You are one fun lady. Happy Sunday. Look forward to more posts and more posts!! Weren't you out of town this weekend??? What about pics from that?? Love you! love you!

Jen said...

yep we were out of town.....but forgot the camera :( sorry no blog on Cali

MaDeb or Deb said...

Oh you are so CUTE!! You played the TAG game.. You are a fun fun daughter. I also look forward to more of your posts. Especially when it starts to snow! Love You!!