Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Sometimes I get the chance to claim Cole as MY mini :)


Shauna said...

OH MY!! I totally see you in Cole... or Cole in you.. whatever it is... My heck picture 2 is such a Cole look. :) love it!! Love it that you are blogging!!

Brooke said...

Totally looks like you.. Love. Love. Love it..

Jen said...

Sometimes he does....sometimes he still looks much more like his daddy :) Kiss thinks he somehow pulled both of our best features and wrapped them up in his cuteness :)

MaDeb or Deb said...

Oh my gosh!! Does this ever bring back memories. What adorable little kids!! LOL.. I have to say that. Now, I must admit that Cole really does resemble you in so many of those pictures...but when I hold the little sweetie pie he kinda looks like his daddy! That means he's a perfect child with a perfect blend! The one picture does look just like Cole!